On each page you'll find that your cursor has a secret message to decipher. Decipher them all, then e-mail me with
your answer and win a free e-book version of my novel.
Sometimes, helpful hints are placed throughout the page.IF YOU ARE FOOL ENOUGH NOT TO I CAN"T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR
YOUR SAFETY.Look for my latest adventure THE SOLOMON KEY
Yours truly,
Robert Langdon
The only way I can help you is if you click here
Now!! Every second you wait your life is in peril my friend!
While most events and persons in this novel are made from the whole cloth of my imagination, others are not.
Le Cahier de la Rose Noire actually exists in the form of LeCahier Rose written by the Abbé Boullan
and is indeed, locked away in the Vatican's Secret Archives. All requests to view it have been denied. References to Occult
Secret Societies and their practitioners are historically accurate. However, Protocol-17--while being the author's invention,
is based upon a historical document: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. While attributed to the Russian Czar's
Secret Police, and later adopted by Hitler's Nazi Germany as anti-Semitic propaganda, some believe it to be in reality--the
hidden plan of the Illuminati. A plan for implementation of the NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. Let's hope not!
Great Seal of the United States ...
Also designed by a Freemason!
Adam Weishaupt: founder of Bavarian Illuminati ...
Some say he bears a striking resemblance to George Washington!
What was the Bavarian Illuminati? Adam Weishaupt founded the
Illuminati of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 on the principles of his early training as a Jesuit. Originally called the Order of the
Perfectibilists, "its professed object was, by the mutual assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree
of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose
the progress of moral evil."
They sought enlightenment through the application of --scientific reason--rather
than the then current accepted model of reliance on the teaching and proclamations of the Church or--pure faith.However, they did sanction the overthrow of the Monarchies of Europe.Once an Illuminati nightrider's secret dispatch was discovered--the Order
was forced to disband.Some say they never did.Some say they burrowed further underground, became absorbed and secreted within the folds of freemasonry, between layers
of disinformation weaved by powerful, ranking members of government, banking, and the Catholic and Protestant Churches.
An order was given on June 22, 1784, for its suppression) by the Elector of Bavaria and was repeated in March and
August, 1785. The Order began to decline, so that by the end of the eighteenth century it had ceased to exist.... it
exercised while in prosperity no favorable influence on the Masonic Institution, nor any unfavorable effect on it by its dissolution."(or
so say the Masons!) Coil describes the Order as a "short lived, meteoric and controversial society" while Kenning refers to
it as a "mischievous association".
But let's hear what the founder
of the order had to say. Sometines the truth is much
stranger than the fiction!
In his own defense, Weishaupt said: "Whoever does not close his ear to the lamentations of the miserable, nor his
heart to gentle pity; whoever is the friend and brother of the unfortunate ... ; whoever does not mock and despise the weak;
whose soul is susceptible of conceiving great designs, desirous of rising superior to all base motives, and of distinguishing
itself by deeds of benevolence; whoever shuns idleness; whoever considers no knowledge as unessential which he may have the
opportunity of acquiring, regarding the knowledge of mankind as his chief study; whoever, when truth and virtue are in question,
despising the approbation of the multitude, is sufficiently courageous to follow the dictates of his own heart, - such a one
is a proper candidate." Therefore, documented evidence would suggest that the Bavarian Illuminati was nothing
more than a curious historical footnote.
Doesn't sound like such bad motives or virtures to aspire to ... now does it? I wonder how many modern-day organizations
would set such high-minded goals? Brown casts the masons as the cabal of bad guys in his newest novel THE SOLOMEN CODE and
probably uses the many masonic sculptures and masonic influences on Washington D.C. architechture...
And how about those Satanic Symbols! Soon to be featured in the Solomen Key?
... The first "official" use and definition of the all-seeing eye as a Masonic symbol seems to have come in 1797
with The Freemasons Monitor of Thomas Smith Webb--14 years after Congress adopted the design for the Seal: "...and although
our thoughts, words and actions, may be hidden from the eyes of man yet that All-Seeing Eye, whom the Sun Moon and Stars obey,
and under whose watchful care even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades the inmost recesses of the human
heart, and will reward us according to our merits."
A Secret Satanic plot revealed?
There is no question that the intersections of Massachusetts Ave., Road Island Ave., Connecticut Ave., Vermont Ave. and
K Street NW form a five pointed star. It is also true that many of the city's architects in the nineteenth and early twentieth
century were Freemasons. From these two facts, and a plethora of imaginative conjecture, many writers have concluded that
the city was intentionally planned to promote an occult agenda. Pierre Charles LÈnfant, architect of city plan,
was a mason.
. . . the pentagram is not an exclusively satanic symbol nor does it have any particular Masonic significance.
Second, Freemasonry, promoting rationalism and freedom from superstition, places no power in symbols themselves. It is not
a part of Freemasonry to view the drawing of symbols, no matter how large, as an act of consolidating or controlling power.
(see links page for more quoutes from the Masonic Lodge as to their alledged defamation!)
Now here's some of the symbols below. Stand on your head and try to look at them from a different perspective ...
Link to www.blackraiser.com Hidden Origins of Nazism
Aleister Crowley in Masonic Regalia!
Uncle Al's magical name was "Bhaphomet" (Inverted Pentegram) although he prferred "The Beast!"
Symbol of the O.T.O.--Yes, they're for real!
Founded in Germany with chapters throughout the world. Based on Masonic Rites of Initiation.
Possible Authors of the Necronomicon ... See below!
When is a HOAX not a HOAX?
Howard Philips Lovecraft was a novelist and short fiction writer who specialized in the macabre, or the "Cosmic Terror"
as he called it. Every Sci-Fi and horror writer from Stephen King to Peter Straub, from Ray Bradbury to Dean Koontz has
studied his work. Magic realism and the technique of weaving historical and scientific fact into the storyline, creating
a sense of reality and authenticity was his trademark.
The NECRONOMICON (Greek for Book of the Dead)--a famous writer's "prop" as he called it--was a fictional grimoire (book
of black magick incantations) incorporated into his novels and short stories in Weird Tales. To quote Lovecraft:
"Regarding the Necronomicon -- I must confess that this monstrous & abhorred volume is merely a figment of my
own imagination! Inventing horrible books is quite a pastime among devotees of the weird, & ..... many of the regular
W.T. contributors have such things to their credit -- or discredit. It rather amuses the different writers to use one
another's synthetic demons & imaginary books in their stories -- so that Clark Ashton Smith often speaks of my Necronomicon
while I refer to his Book of Eibon .. & so on. This pooling of resources tends to build up quite a pseudo-convincing
background of dark mythology, legendry, & bibliography -- though of course none of us has the least wish actually to mislead
Now here's were it becomes strange. Three ficticious versions of the NECRONOMICON have been published.
You'll find the Hay-Wilson verson on the bookshelf of every Barnes & Noble and Borders. The Hay-Wilson-Langford-Turner
Necronomicon, for example, spins a cock-and-bull story about Lovecraft's father obtaining the Necronomicon through
his contacts in Egyptian Masonry and passing the book on to his son before going insane; in fact, while Lovecraft's father
was not a Mason, his maternal grandfather, Whipple Phillips, not only belonged to the Masons but had himself founded a Masonic
lodge. Clearly it was during little Howard's formative years, when grandfather Whipple took on the role of father to him after
driving his real father insane, that the elderly gentleman introduced him to the Book of Hell.(see links page for more
A book that brings madness and damnation to all who read it was the idea. However, it was first incorporated by Chambers
in his the King in Yellow novel. H.P. Lovecraft ... well kind of borrowed the idea--as I have--along with allusions
to the Cthylu Mythos: an ancient race of gods--aptly named the "Old Ones" or "Ancient Ones" who once ruled the earth and still
"lurk at the door" to this dimension ... so to speak. Even though this is pure fiction, created by these wonderful
writer's immaginations, there are those (a cult following of so-called ceremonial magicians) who actually use the "HOAX"
NECRONOMICON as if it were an actual Book of Shadows! Yes, there are those that swear it's the real thing and that the
magick works!
Credible scholars have shown that most of the top-ten black magick books (grimoires) are attributed to real-life
historical figures--Soloman, Pope Leo and Honorious--but written much later in time. And not by the author listed on
their cover.
So if fact and fiction become blurred over time, and some choose to believe a fictional Mad Arab, Abdul Alhazred of
Ancient Syria, wrote the magick spells instead of Mr. Turner ... what's the harm. My take is that it's a tribute to
the eternal power of the writer's pen and the reader's quest for adventure and mystery.
Go to next archives page for HOAXES that may not be-- quite so harmless!
"The Greys"
Secret Masters of our World! Whitley Strieber is their leader!
Author, Humorist, Enlightened All-around Good Guy! (See Links Page)
Mark of the Illuminati ...
Just how paranoid are you?
Novelist: H.P. Lovecraft ...
Femme Fatales needing rescue!!
Agents apply within!
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Last month, while in Florence, Professor
Langdon uncovered an ancient parchment that historians now believe may be the work of Leonardo da Vinci. The encoded parchment—bearing the name La Profezia (The
Prophecy)—raised eyebrows when scholars discovered it was signed "LSPDV." (Leonardo's full
name was Leonardo Ser
Pieri Da
More intriguing still is the legend
that the visionary Leonardo, in the days before his death, made a powerful prophecy about the future. Could this be Da Vinci's long lost prediction? Historians remain eager to learn what this
parchment says. The code has yet to reveal its mystery, but Robert Langdon is very close to finding the key to deciphering
the message. Leonardo's encoded message consists of 24 symbols. Robert Langdon is certain there exists a key, and he is
working very hard to find it.
The "Sacred Geometry" of the Masonic layout of streets in Washington, D.C., will most likely lead Brown's Professor Langdon to discover that Fort Marcy Park lies along the same
line as that made by the National Mall, which lies between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, and that extending
that line almost all the way across the United States would pass directly through the Mormon Tabernacle Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Oddly, the Mormon Tabernacle is closed to the public throughout 2006.) Even
more eerie, a line drawn from the Washington Monument to Rock Creek Park, where the body of Chandra Levy, a attractive Jewish woman who was a federal Bureau of Prisons intern and the secret lover of a Congressman,
was found in 2002, would, if extended, pass through the Scottish Rite Freemasonic Center in D.C., as well as through Freemason's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Above
Levy's name is handwritten the words "Shari Eli." Perhaps a character name? Chandra is Sanskrit for "light," that which Masons
claim to seek.
One of the strangest pages may be this list of statues and monuments in the Washington, D.C. area, with
perplexing phrases after them:
D.C. Masonic Temple — Irish ale
Jeff Memorial — A fenced in miser
Albert Pike statue — Fresh cad onto a monk
Persephone statue on Capitol — Hi, Israel
Geo. Washington Masonic Memorial — Print a rug, Ben
Washington Obelisk — Accords femmes
Notes: The last one may refer to the Washington Monument.
"Accords femmes" translates from French into "women's agreements."
George Washington and Albert Pike were both Freemasons,
as was Ben Franklin, who may be the "Ben" referenced in one of the phrases. "Ben" may also refer to the character Ben Gates
in the film National Treasure.
The message of the Georgia Guidestones, written
in English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili is:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.