This is just the begining. Check back each month for more "Da Vinci Code Secret Archives" facts: codes, ambigrams, and
strange facts including Brown's new book The Solomon Key...LINK TO FREE DA VINCI CODE BOOK ONLINE
Can you dechiper the code? you'll need this for the CONTEST hint!!
Symbol of The Knights Templar
Two on horseback ... what else did they share?
More strange facts:
Another mystery writer,Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle--completed his Bachelor's of Medicine and Master's of Surgery degrees in 1881; he marked the occasion by
drawing a sketch of himself waving his diploma with the caption "Licensed to kill."
Hence, the origion
of Ian Fleming's use of the term "license to kill."
But from what
other famous figure of history did he get the double-o-seven concept? Answer below!
The bestseller that told the tale of Christ's
Bloodline: the true Holy Grail
Artist builds and sells Cryptex
Click for link
Origional city outline for Washington D.C.
designed with masonic influences
Pentegram eclosed within pyramid
symbols of ancient alchemy
Colored lines show same X - Y axis as the
queen's chamber in Great Pyramid
Diagram of Pyramid's interior
Matching overlay of pyramid over city
Pentagram enclosed with pentagon and ...
Chaos Tau symbol or Owl Man ???
Incomplete inverted pentagram overlay
bottom vector points to White House
Non-fiction book which is basis of much of Brown's
See the mysterious locales in the Da Vinci Code ... and some that should have been uncluded.
Ceiling of the Rosslyn Chapel ... Sophie first saw
the coded puzzle as a young girl.
Pillar from Rosslyn Chapel with intricate designs
which tell of hidden knowledge in plain sight
The Church of St. Sulpice in Paris ... Exterior
Interior of the Saint Sulpice cathedral
in St Germain des Prés, the famous "6th Arrondissement" (or ward) of Paris. The view is from the middle, looking East toward
the altar. The Paris Meridian runs on the N-S axis, or across the perspective of this photo. Instead of pews, the church has
little chairs which can be moved inside the cavernous interior.
The Rose-Line Marker toppled by the Albino
Umberto Eco said it marked the Vortex of Earthly Forces
St. Suplice Interior facing altar ...
The church also had a long history of satanism see my book for details ...
Actual Masonic cipher code key from THE SOLOMEN
KEY ... a legacy from the Templars go to next page for code generator links; build your own code!
Exterior shot Rosslyn Chapel ... Secret resting
place of the Templar treasure or tomb of The Black Maddona : Mary Magdalene?
Enter content here
Now you know where Ian Fleming got his idea for
double-o-seven. The signiture of the first magician spy of the British Secret Service!
Dr. John Dee famous spy and codebreaker to the Queen!
Dee has been defamed through the centuries as a necromancer, but it's the opinion of many
writers that his angelic-cabalistic- alchemical work, his Philosophers Stone, the"Monad Hieroglyphica"(1564) may have been a cover for covert operations carried on in the name of her majesty. The 007
was the insignia number that Elizabeth was to use for private communiques between her Court and Dee.
Dee signed his letters with two circles symbolising his own two eyes and indicating that he was the secret
eyes of the Queen.The two circles are guarded by what may be considered a square root sign or an elongated seven. For Dee,
seven was a sacred cabbalistic and lucky number.(Richard Deacon)
When the Spanish Armada loomed over the English Channel it was Dee as the wise sage who
suggested to hold the course and be still. He had correctly anticipated that devastating storms would destroy the mighty Spanish
Fleet and that it would be best to keep the English ships at bay. Some have suggested that it was Dee himself who conjured
up that storm. Whatever it was that allowed England to defeat the Armada, John Dee was having his finest patriotic moment.
One can see why some commentators have Dee associated with being the inspiration for the protagonist Prospero (to hope for
the future) from The Tempest. Francis Yates in her seminal exploration Majesty and Magic in Shakespeare's Last Plays,
comments, "Dare one say that the German Rosicrucian movement reaches a peak of poetic expression in The Tempest, a
Rosicrucian manifesto infused with the spirit of Dee, using theatrical parables for esoteric communication?"
Dee's wisdom of nature even extended into the field of architecture where Francis Yates
in The Theatre of the World states that James Burbage consulted Dee on the design of the first theater. Later,"The
Globe was created, says Yates, because in the Burbage tradition the design was to amplify naturally the voices of the plyers."
This was accomplished by the geometrical resonance of the circled dome. Burbage relied on Dee's extensive architectural library
for this construction.
Little has come down to us in terms of records of Francis Bacon and John Dee knowing each
other but on the afternoon of August 11, 1582 there was an entry in Dee's journal that they met at Mortlake. Bacon was 21
years old at the time and was accompanied by a Mr. Phillipes, a top cryptographer in the employ of Sir Francis Walsingham
who headed up the early days of England's secret service. They were there according to Ewen MacDuff, in an article, "After
Some Time Be Past" in 'Baconiana', (Dec.1983)" to find out the truth about the ancient Hebrew art of the Gematria-
one of the oldest cipher systems known, dating from 700 B.C. They were seeking to discuss this with Dee because he was not
only one of the leading adepts of this field, but a regular practitioner in certain levels of Gematria." Also, David Kahn
in The Codebreakers suggests that because of Dee's great interest in the 13th century alchemist Roger Bacon, that he
may have introduced Bacon to the works of Roger Bacon,"which may help explain the similarities in their thought."
Did this priest discover the Templar's lost
treasure or their secret and use it to blackmail rome into building his temple to Mary Magdalene?
Mysteries of
Rennes-le-Château and the Prieure du Sion
ve Mizrach; edited by Morgana
Here are the basic outlines of the
mystery of Rennes-le-Château. It was clear that Berenger Sauniere, the parish priest of the small village during the late
19th and early 20th century, had been receiving vast sums of money to refurbish the local church and also to build many structures
in the area, such as his Tower of the Magdalene (Tour Magdala). Sauniere died in 1917, leaving the secret of where he got
his fabulous wealth to his housekeeper, Marie Dernaud, who promised to reveal it on her deathbed -- but sadly she had a stroke
which left her paralyzed and unable to speak before her death in 1953. Speculation was rife on the source of the parish priest's
money. Was it the lost treasure of the Templars or the Cathars in the area? Might it have been buried Visigothic gold? Or
was he blackmailing the Church with some terrible secret? The evidence that points to the last possibility is that Sauniere's
confession before his death was so shocking that the priest who heard it denied him absolution and last rites.
The mystery is rendered greater by
a series of parchments found by the cleric in 1891, which contained an easily discovered cipher. They were apparently written
by his predecessor, Abbe Antoine Bigou, confessor to Marie d'Hautpoul, in 1781. (The same cipher appears on her tombstone.)
The parchments were, on the face of it, Latin transcriptions of passages from the Gospels, but they contained deeper mysteries.
Sauniere also appears to have left certain other "clues" in the highly unusual redesign of his church and of the other structures
in the area.
Hidden within those Latin parchments
was a message in French:
Within the second parchment was
an even stranger message:
" ...après un long sommeil, les mêmes hypothèses ressucistent, sans doute nous reviennent-elles avec des vêtements neufs
et plus riches, mais le fond reste le même et le masque nouveau dont elles s'affublent ne saurait tromper l'homme de science..."
"...after a long sleep, the same theories reappear, without doubt they return richer and with new clothes, but the foundation
remains the same and the new mask which they wear should not mislead the man of knowledge..."
(from the introduction to Le Serpent Rouge)
Was this the Skull the Templars worshiped??
Or was it in reality .... see below
Da Vinci's little joke concealed in plain sight
Sophia The Virgin on the Rocks praising John the Baptist over the Savior
Baphomet - The Atbash Cipher Theory
In order to understand the Atbash Cipher theory, as it relates to the Baphomet mythos,
it is first important to examine the origins of the code. As early as 500 BC Scribes writing the book of Jeremiah used what
we now know to be the ATBASH cipher. This cipher is one of the few used in the Hebrew language. The cipher itself, ATBASH,
is very similar to the substitution cipher.
A substitution cipher is one where each letter of the alphabet actually represents another
letter. In the case of the Atbash cipher, the first letter of the alphabet is substituted for the last, the second for the
second last and so on. The letter A becomes "Z"; the letter "B" becomes "Y" and so on.
Dead Sea Scrolls
Dr. Hugh Schonfield was one of the original researchers working on the Dead Sea Scrolls
found at Qumran and is the author of many books on Biblical history, most notably "The Passover Plot."
While working on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Schonfield used the cipher to translate some
words that were undetectable to the scholars. For example applying the Atbash cipher to the word "hagu," he got the Hebrew
word, "tsaraph," which means, "test." The "hagu" passages are important for they deal with "The Teacher of Righteousness,"
which some scholars believe to have been Jesus.
Latterly, Schonfield became very interested in the charges of heresy leveled against
the Knights Templar and particularly the etymology of the Baphomet. It was decided by Schonfield that he would apply the Atbash
cipher, which he was convinced the Templars were aware of, to the Baphomet.
If one writes the word Baphomet in Hebrew and remember Hebrew letters read from right
to left, the result is as shown below:
[taf] [mem] [vav] [pe] [bet]
Baphomet In Hebrew Right to Left
Applying the Atbash cipher, Schonfield revealed the following:
[alef] [yud] [pe] [vav] [shin]
Results In Sophia A Greek Word Written In Hebrew Right To Left
Although written in Hebrew it reads as the Greek word Sophia that translates into "Wisdom" in English. However, there
is another connotation to the term, for Sophia was the Goddess and considered to be the bride of God.
It has been held by many that the Templars were followers of the goddess or at very least in reestablishing the feminine
aspect of divinity that had been excised by the church. It should be remembered that their patron, St. Bernard of Clairvaux
had an absolute obsession with Mary and was responsible for her being
named the queen of Heaven and the Mother
of God.
Whether the Templars were devoted to the goddess or simply respectful of wisdom, it
cannot be argued that Schonfield's Atbash cipher theory is among the most plausible explanations of the etymology of Baphomet.
Click here to play secret agent ... adventure
thrills,be the symbolist on the run ... rescue the girl!
Who are the men in this picture? Think you know
the answer go to next page for a shock! It's all a matter of perspective!
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Last month, while in Florence, Professor
Langdon uncovered an ancient parchment that historians now believe may be the work of Leonardo da Vinci. The encoded parchment—bearing the name La Profezia (The
Prophecy)—raised eyebrows when scholars discovered it was signed "LSPDV." (Leonardo's full
name was Leonardo Ser
Pieri Da
More intriguing still is the legend
that the visionary Leonardo, in the days before his death, made a powerful prophecy about the future. Could this be Da Vinci's long lost prediction? Historians remain eager to learn what this
parchment says. The code has yet to reveal its mystery, but Robert Langdon is very close to finding the key to deciphering
the message. Leonardo's encoded message consists of 24 symbols. Robert Langdon is certain there exists a key, and he is
working very hard to find it.
The "Sacred Geometry" of the Masonic layout of streets in Washington, D.C., will most likely lead Brown's Professor Langdon to discover that Fort Marcy Park lies along the same
line as that made by the National Mall, which lies between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, and that extending
that line almost all the way across the United States would pass directly through the Mormon Tabernacle Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Oddly, the Mormon Tabernacle is closed to the public throughout 2006.) Even
more eerie, a line drawn from the Washington Monument to Rock Creek Park, where the body of Chandra Levy, a attractive Jewish woman who was a federal Bureau of Prisons intern and the secret lover of a Congressman,
was found in 2002, would, if extended, pass through the Scottish Rite Freemasonic Center in D.C., as well as through Freemason's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Above
Levy's name is handwritten the words "Shari Eli." Perhaps a character name? Chandra is Sanskrit for "light," that which Masons
claim to seek.
One of the strangest pages may be this list of statues and monuments in the Washington, D.C. area, with
perplexing phrases after them:
D.C. Masonic Temple — Irish ale
Jeff Memorial — A fenced in miser
Albert Pike statue — Fresh cad onto a monk
Persephone statue on Capitol — Hi, Israel
Geo. Washington Masonic Memorial — Print a rug, Ben
Washington Obelisk — Accords femmes
Notes: The last one may refer to the Washington Monument.
"Accords femmes" translates from French into "women's agreements."
George Washington and Albert Pike were both Freemasons,
as was Ben Franklin, who may be the "Ben" referenced in one of the phrases. "Ben" may also refer to the character Ben Gates
in the film National Treasure.
The message of the Georgia Guidestones, written
in English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili is:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.